Thursday, April 19, 2007


Ok firstly, let me say that this blog will also keep track of some random observations that I find interesting, so here's the first one!

Lately, I have become obsessed with money. No, I don't mean I'm hoarding money. I mean the concept of money. I find the economy to be a fascinating thing. I also find money to be fascinating. Everyone takes money for granted. But when you really think about it, it's amazing that so many people have just "assigned" something so arbitrary (stamped metal pieces, paper with ink on it, and electromagnetic patterns in a computer) with such a well defined unit of value. What's more amazing is that money truly represents value. For example, if we have two bowls that are exactly the same, but one you found on the street a minute ago and one was given to you as a present from you mother, you'd value the one from your mother more. But this nearly never happens with money. True, a specific dollar bill may have a special significance, but I am talking about units of money, like the money in a bank account where every dollar is the same. A dollar value that you would sell the two different bowls for would represent the actual value, both material and personal, of an object.

I am also amazed at the exacting nature of money. For example, when we receive change, we expect the exact change to the nearest cent. But truly, how much is one cent worth? (It may be worth more in other parts of the world, but then they have their own currencies divided up in to units that are worth even less) A cent is nearly worthless, but because of the exacting nature of money, we still use such an insignificant unit! Was there every such a thing before money when you can describe exactly how much something is worth to another party?

Also, I find it interesting that so many currencies are divided up into 100 subunits. For example, a dollar is divided up into 100 cents. A Chinese Ren Min Bi (Yuan) is divided up into 100 Fen. Why not just call the subunit the unit? Why not label everything in their cost in cents and just forgo the dollar? This seems to work well in many places where a unit of currency is less valuable. For example, you don't see any "cents" in Japan because their "dollar" is effectively their "cent." I just find it strange that most places use a unit for their currency, but also have subunits.

Notes on the Virginia Shootings

I originally didn't want to post anything about this event since I am sure everyone is already talking about it. But there are a few things I feel that I need to say.

I truly feel for everyone who was affected by this tragedy, especially the parents. I cannot imagine what they must be going through now. I really do mean it, and not just saying this as a courtesy. When I discuss or hear people talk about this event, it makes me want to cry for the victims, their parents, and their friends. I can imagine a small portion of their pain, and even such a small portion makes me want to weep for them.

As a society, let us focus on the celebration of the victim's lives and society as a whole rather than dwell on the tragedy. Along with the negative side of society that we have seen, we should also be aware of the positives actions taken that day. People who gave their lives to save others, and the support of so many people from so many nations should be remembered. I know that it is hard to stay positive with such a horrible event happening, but I am hoping in time the pain of the victims will fade away and that they will be able to continue with their lives.

Please let this event not trigger anger in others. The natural reaction is for people to hate and feel hostility toward the perpetrator of this horrible act, especially if someone you know was affected. Yes, he had done something horrible, but remember that he was also clinically depressed, and even when he had been identified as troubled earlier, no help was provided. Although he is ultimately responsible for his horrible act, it was also the product of a failed society. People should be more proactive providing help to others even to people who we may not like. Try to strike up a friendly conversation with a stranger everyday. Everyone has something to teach and something to learn from everyone else. If we are more open to the people around us, we can understand everyone around us a bit better, reducing the chances of misunderstandings that may result is hostile feelings. Do not be too proud and arrogant to talk to someone who you think is socially/culturally/(whatever your excuse is) below you. Do not be too greedy to sacrifice something for the benefit of someone else. Do not be too afraid to pester someone to help them if you know that they need help but is too proud to accept it.

For people who are using this situation to your advantage such as using it in an argument of why another country is better than the US, think about the pain and suffering this event has caused. What you are arguing may be true to you, but remember there are different views of the same event. Do not let your arrogance and need to be right lead you to use the death and suffering of others to your advantage. If you are using it for a good cause that will reduce pain and suffering in the future, be sensitive about it and be aware when it becomes a personal issue.

For the people who get a kick out of situations like this: think about why you enjoy the suffering of others. Perhaps there is a hidden reason somewhere that you need to confront. If there is, seek help. Confronting a deep-down problem is very painful and the vast majority of people will not be able to do it without the help of others. Don't be the person who is too scared or proud to admit they have a problem and confront it.

Overall, this was a horrible event that had occurred. I give out my most sincerest condolences to anyone affected by the tragedy. And I really mean it, not just saying it. But hopefully we can all learn something from this event. Most importantly, do not let this event breed more anger and hatred. Even the perpetrator should not be hated and labelled as evil. He was misguided, and I am sure that there must have been something society could have done to prevent this.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My General View of Society - Last Point I need to Make Before Real Posts

Ok this one's short. I realized I left out a very important point while posting the boring and convoluted/confusing intro. The question is, if people are so horrible, is there any way that a reasonably happy life can be lived in harmony with others?

The answer is yes. The horrible aspects of humans were created to help us survive when we did not have the amount of technology we have today. But now that we do, these traits are superfluous and make society a worse place for all. A small amount of competition and desire to succeed is good and help drive the progression of technology and society, but too much results in greed, inequality, and conflict. We need to realize that we can all live in harmony and use technology to support our continued existence as a species rather than individuals. Soon, when people can treat genetic diseases and other problems, we in effect have taken evolution into our own hands. Why should we care that our genes are propagated? Why should we care if we have more money than someone else when the other person has everything he or she needs to live, has the time to enjoy the company of friends, and support a family? I think that people need to realize that they do not need excess money or control over others. People should not mind sacrificing luxuries from their own lives to help people who genuinely cannot support themselves and their families. People should care for all, and not just people they think they will benefit from. People should also try to be inclusive and realize that everyone is equal to stamp out arrogance, ignorance, and greed. Of course, this is easier said then done. This is very contrary to human nature, so one needs to be aware of their "inner demons" in order to let go of their selfish wants in order to make life better for humanity as a whole.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

New Blog to Record My Travels

I'm starting a new blog dedicated purely to record my travels. This is mainly so my friends and family can track me when I am travelling, and also so that I don't forget my adventures. If you're interested, you can read it here:

Sunday, April 1, 2007

OK - Let's Get it Started!

Alright, I think it's time to finally start writing real content. I know the introduction posts have been somewhat strange and dense, but I just wanted to get some of the fundamental ideas out of the way. From here on out, I will start writing about my everyday experiences. What I write will seem political, but that is not the goal. I just want to write will about my feelings and my view of the world according to my beliefs. And of course, I invite all of you to participate through commenting or e-mailing me. Although I will mostly write about current events, the important thing to note while reading this blog is my way of thinking and further suggestions. Events come and go, but ideas and beliefs are timeless.

Now of course, if you are interested in what I was writing about before, don't worry. I will continue to discuss the mental model I use to view the world from time to time. To describe everything that I have thought about would probably take an entire book, most of which would be boring. I just wanted to start talking about world events and my opinions on them. After all, there's no use to a theory or model if you don't apply it to the real world.

Another thing to note is the my subsequent posts will be shorter and more frequent. That's because I've hated writing the past few posts as I think it's impossible to understand my model of the world without seeing the entire picture. Because of this, I hated writing each post as I had to think about which ideas to present, which to leave out for now, and how compress them to just a few pages. I also struggled making each post self-contained.

So, let's stop with the strange ramblings and get to the real substance of this blog!