I've been mulling over making some large changes in my life, since I don't feel like I am progressing towards my goals. In fact, there are a lot of things to think about. What I want to accomplish, what makes me happy, my goals for a few years down the road...
I think I've come up with three things that are my priorities:
1) Be a self-sufficient creator. Having my own company or products that supports me, creating exciting new products, research, or cultural items.
2) Learn. Learn as much as I can about our world. Travel to see and experience as much as I can. Read to help me understand as much as I can.
3) Family and friends. Find a soul-mate that I will enjoy being with for the rest of my life. Spend more time with my parents, relatives, and close friends, most of whom I now only get to see once a year - at most! :(
Well, with that in mind, I feel like I'm stuck at my current stage in life. Trying to figure out how to achieve those goals are going to be difficult. What should I focus on? Is it even possible to achieve all of those goals? I feel like I have to pick, but which of my goals can I risk not accomplishing and sill be happy?
Decisions, decisions. I've been swinging rapidly between optimistic, hopeless, content, ecstatic, depressed, and all shades in between in the past week or two thinking about how to get un-stuck. I've been changing my mind regarding what I really want to do all the time too. Each time I am fully committed to an idea and think there is no way I will change my mind, the next day brings a new decision that is nearly the opposite from the previous.
I don't know what to do, and more importantly, what I want to do. I hope I will have a moment of clarity soon. But from what I hear, many, if not most, people go through life without this flash of clarity to bring purpose to their existence.
Any suggestions would be welcome...